
Epoxy Injection

Epoxy injection is used to repair various kinds of structural failures in the San Francisco Bay Area due to weather conditions (water intrusion over time), other types of damage due to structural overloads, earthquakes or impacts of various kinds, etc. ARC has used epoxy injection to repair cracks in concrete walls and ceilings, including basement and foundation areas. A particular advantage of the process is that it can be applied in horizontal, vertical and even overhead applications (as in the above photo from 900 Bush Street in San Francisco).

The epoxy injection method is relatively straightforward. The basic materials needed are: capping paste, injection ports, injection equipment, and injection resin. Generally, the type of injection resin needed varies with how deep the structural cracks are, etc. In the photo above, ARC installed epoxy at the concrete ceiling to structurally bond it and create added structural strength. Ports were set 6 inches apart and the surface of it (and an adjacent wall) were sealed with bonding epoxy to allow the maximum penetration of the epoxy into the cracks. The penetrating epoxy gel was pumped at the lowest port until it flowed out of the upper port indicating the crack received the necessary epoxy to bond the concrete surfaces together. Once bonded to the surface and cured, the ports and surface epoxy were burnt off, and the repaired crack ground down to remove any surface epoxy not removed with the torch.

Architectural Restoration & Waterproofing is an epoxy injection contractor specializing in the installation of epoxy injection to bond cracked concrete walls and ceilings and epoxy coatings which provide completely waterproofed, long lasting and attractive floor structures. Serving San Francisco, Marin and the greater Bay Area.